Academic Affairs Office
Institutional Research
Student Outcomes
Degrees Awarded
Degrees Awarded by Level through AY2024
Degrees Awarded by Level and CIP2020 through AY2024
Degrees Awarded by Level and Major through AY2024
Graduation Rates for Undergraduates
Six-Year Graduation Rates Summary through AY2024
Outcomes Survey
The IPEDS Outcomes survey collects award and enrollment data from degree-granting institutions on four undergraduate cohorts at two points in time: six years after first enrollment and eight years after first enrollment.
Contact Institutional Research:
Stephon Moore, Institutional ResearcherOffice of Institutional Research
New Mexico Tech
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801 Phone: 575-835-5128
FAX: 575-835-6511
Email: Steph.Moore@yibangyi.net